Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Storm Season

Storm Season is approaching with gale force winds battering the Cornish coastline, i expect the image below to be one of the more tame ones over the next few months!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


I've been struggling to get out and about for the past few weeks.  Partly due to the crap weather and partly due to my degree starting to bite into my free time!  A last minute decision to force myself out in less than perfect conditions saw me arrive at Mullion Harbour just before sunset and struggling to remember where the sun was setting as it tends to move around a bit from summer to winter in this part of Cornwall!  Only one decent image taken:

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Kimmeridge Fight Club!

Another few days in Dorset afforded me the opportunity to have another go at Kimmeridge sans twisted ankle and gashed arm like last time.  The tide was incoming which isn't the best for shooting in this area as more of the interesting stuff is below the high tide mark but i plodded on regardless perked up by what was becoming a better than average sunset (still not great but considering the rest of the weather last week i wasn't going to complain)!  On arrival i was greeted by at least 6 other photographers all sharing the one ledge that was not covered by the tide - great, time to fight the other "pros" whilst waiting for sunset.  I hate this sort of set up as it generally becomes a bit of a penis size contest.  Once getting on the ledge and  a closer inspection revealed that i was in excellent company with at least 2 of the 6 other photographers on the ledge being nationally awarded bods, some serious competition for the optimum space was occurring with all of us juggling for the little space there was as the sun set rapidly.  Two of them binned out almost as i set up leaving me with the 2 pro's and one other.  The other guy left 5 minutes later as i tutted and cursed as he continually stepped in my shots, narrowly avoiding a bollocking!  In comparison the pro's didn't give a shit and were playing the "all's fair in love and war" card - get there early or get the fuck out!  It was by far the most vicious situation i have ever been in when trying to take a landscape shot and the pros weren't budging a bit.  At this point i decided to let them have their moment which they did before going back to the carpark.  A quick change of position and i was ready to go.

Moving up the ledge yielded some interesting compositions that i haven't seen at Kimmeridge before as i normally shoot from further along the beach.

Finally the ledge yielded to the sea and the final shot was taken!

All in all a worthwhile evening out and i'm starting to understand what the freelance paparazzi feel like against the big boys!